Depression Treatment In Jodhpur
In migraine, people are seen to notice signs of bright light, blind spots, chaos in hands and feet, nausea, vomiting and light, increasing sensitivity by voice. The problem of headache ends in a while after taking the medication, whereas migraine pain lasting from a few hours to several days. Symptoms of migraine Feeling irritable Depressed or “high” Sensitivity to light Migraine pain usually unilateral, mea ns it occurs on only one side of the head. Nausea and vomiting Life style may be the reason ? Migraine patients are growing worldwide. Our country is not untouched. The biggest reason for this is the life of Bhagdaur. This life is full of stress, and people do not even try to change it. Gradually they all change in the form of migraine. Normal conditions increase headache while reaching a stressful atmosphere and blood pressu...